Vision and Beliefs

Our Vision

At Adam Road Primary School we aim to develop students who treat all people and the environment with care and consideration, accept challenges, collaborate, take responsibility for their learning and strive for success.




Adam Road Primary School is situated on the corner of Adam Road and Hotchin Street, Bunbury. The school is serviced by a comprehensive bus service and cycle ways.

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The school enrols children within the following boundaries:

North – South of the extension of West Road and Goldsmith Street from the ocean to Bussell Highway.
East – The centre of Bussell Highway
South – The centre of Hudson Road
West – The ocean

Also including the suburb of College Grove.

School boundary map



School Population

Students Adam Road Primary School student population consistently has between 450 and 500 children from Kindergarten to Year 6. This is led by two School Captains and a Student Council comprising of four students.

Staff Adam Road Primary School has a team of dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff with a wide range of expertise.

School Board Adam Road Primary's School Board consists of staff, parents and community members. The School Board is involved in regular meetings and decision making processes designed to benefit the school.

Click here to download School Board – Terms of Reference


The Adam Road Primary School uniform is worn with pride, builds school spirit and creates unity and equity amongst students.

The school colours are royal blue polo shirts, jumpers and jackets with the school logo and royal or navy blue shorts, skirts and tracksuit pants.

Students are required to wear enclosed shoes for their safety and to be able to fully participate in all school activities.

A wide-brimmed hat in school colours is compulsory for all children when outside.

All school uniform items are available through the school uniform shop.

Click here to download Student Dress Code




Adam Road Primary School is fortunate to be built on large grounds with a wide range of facilities. Our school shares a large oval with the adjacent Newton Moore Senior High School.  We have a well-equipped enclosed undercover area which has recently been refurbished with a large projector and screen for assemblies.  Our play equipment is comprised of modern equipment and an architect designed adventure playground that wraps around the school for exploratory play.



Adam Road Primary School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment. Students are recognised and acknowledged for displaying our school values of Tolerance, Resilience, Respect, Endeavour, and Responsibility, We are a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) School. PBS focusses on teaching the behaviours that demonstrate our values.

Values awards are integral to promoting and acknowledging expected behaviours. We use a token system where the school community can see an accumulation of faction points, and where rewards are given as each faction meets the new targets.



Student Support

Adam Road Primary School has a strong student support network incorporating a school psychologist, nurse, chaplain, mentors and on-site Dental Therapy Centre.

The school Psychologist attends Adam Road Primary School on a weekly basis. Students are referred through teachers and administration.

The school nurse visits on a needs basis, conducting health screening programs for students and liaising with teachers as a resource on health education.

The school offers a chaplaincy service. This is a non denomination service offering support for the well being of our students and caregivers. Requests for support can be made through the office.

Volunteer mentors are active within the school at different times through the year. They meet with individual students to support their reading.

The Dental Therapy Centre, staffed by dental therapists, is attached to the school and provides a free dental service for all students. Enrolled children have their teeth checked regularly and necessary treatment is carried out. Parents are kept informed of the treatment plan through the updating of forms.


Annual Report

Visit the Schools Online website for Adam Road Primary School’s latest Annual Report.

Adam Road Primary School Public School Review report August 2021



Business Plan

Adam Road Primary School’s Business Plan provides an overview of the school’s purpose, vision and values whilst detailing its priorities and the strategies for achieving these.



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